Conventional well pump systems for a household consist of a submersible pump (jet pumps are now considered outdated technology in our area) located within the well and a large well tank (approximately 2’ diameter by 2’ to 5’ high) that is sized based on the flow rate of the pump. A pressure switch controls the pump by turning it on when the pressure in the system drops to a preset low point and turning it off when pumping restores the system to a preset high point. Some pressure fluctuation is thus unavoidable in the water system. Conversely, a constant pressure solid-state electrical control panel causes the pump impellers to spin slower when a small amount of water is needed and faster as more water is needed while maintaining a constant pressure. This constant pressure design produces “city water” like pressure. Furthermore, it utilizes a small, wall-mounted, space-saving well tank (approximately 1’ by 1’). This design eliminates short cycling malfunctions that sometimes occur with conventional systems and also is moderately more energy efficient.